Wednesday, April 18, 2007


hey wasup everybody, it's me, roc belushi, the shining black prince, the hiphop jediknight, the black scott summers and i just want to say thank you for reading and responding to my last email. some of you agreed, some you disagreed. one of you, who will remain nameless oliver, even questioned my blackness. well, to paraphrase the great chuck d.,

"email readers that question my blackness/
they call themselves black/
well, we'll see if they read this."

now remember the rules: if you like the email, forward it to five of your friends. if you don't like the email, forward it to five of your enemies.

alot of stuff has happened this week so let's not waste anymore time, let's get into it:

free don imus

poor don imus!
after he apologized for calling the rutgers girls basketball team, "nappy headed hoes" and "jiggaboos" the former king of morning political talk was fired by both m.s.n.b.c and c.b.s. radio.

the really shameful part of this whole incident is that most of the men and women that went on his show faithfully to promote themselves, their books or their political points of view ( meet the press' tim russert, the new york times' david brooks, congressman harold ford, jr.) never went on his show or any other to come to his defense. he was just too toxic. with friends like these who needs enemy combatants.

someone help me out with this, was don imus god?

his critics are behaving like him spewing some school yard insults was truly damaging to those girls on rutgers. if these girls were so smart and full of grace why should they even be bothered by what don imus and his cronies on the air said about them? if they aren't clinical depressed after they lost the national championship game, why would they be more affected by the words of a 66 year old fossil?

to be fair, the girls team has shown they are full of dignity, class and compassion but their coach is a different story.

have you been watching the way that the coach of the team, c.t. vivian stringer has been recruiting new girls for her squad?

instead of going door to door to parents, explaining that her school is a great place where girls can get an education and play sports she's using a different technique.

the press conference.

every time she's on telelvision she's giving another one of her "i have a dream" speeches. can't someone just say to her, "please, coach strongface could you just sit down and be quiet, we really don't want to hear from you again, we want to hear from the tall slightly attractive girls that all seemed to have gone to the beauty shop before their press conference to get their hair done so no one will be justified in calling their hair nappy".

if anyone should be angry at this incident it should be the citizens of new jersey. on the way to be a part of the apology don imus was going to make to the rutgers girls, new jersey governor jon corzine was almost killed in a traffic accident. does anyone see how far and quickly this has gotten out of control?

imus lost his job, the girls were turned into sypathetic victims and a governor was almost killed. say it with me: worst week ever!

you may be innocent but you're still jerks!

three boys who were having the best week ever were the three duke boys that were told that there would be no trial in their rape case because there was no evidence.

many are saying that they are owed an apology. they are saying that the rush to judgement by the media has had a harmful effect on their lives. well, i want to be the first to say, "hey duke boys i am sorry."

i am sorry.

i am sorry that they drugged that girl, crystal mangnum so badly that she couldn't get her story straight.

i am so sorry that those three duke boys along with the rest of their lacrosse team didn't know the rules of strip parties: when you gang screw a stripper, you have to pay her or she may cry rape and ruin your life.

and of course i am sorry that she fingered those three guys and not the guys that did it because no one stepped forward and told the authorities what really happened.

fuck duke lacrosse, i would take a class at morehouse college on the great uncle tom's in history before i would ever shake hands with a duke lacrosse player.

one more thing about the duke lacrosse affair;

now that the case has been dismissed and the accuser in the case has been proclaimed a liar, it is now open season on her. the pundits have called her everything in the book and the new york post even decided to put her picture on the cover and release her name. if don imus had called her a nappy headed ho, would he have been fired or given praise and a raise?

our boy al

al sharpton.
wow. it's like this guy has his head in everything; the sean bell police brutality case, his slave ancestry past and a hair dryer. all in one month. how does he stay fat? it would seem to me, that someone running to every newspaper, radio and television station for statements and matches to spark controversy has to burn off some excess weight.

al is a shark. he smelled imus' blood and attacked. he saw the sponsors reeling and he pushed them. but now he has a problem. the censorship snowball started rolling and the media didn't take but two minutes to turn the conservation from don imus and his remarks to rap music's lyrics and hip hop in general. it was sort of like, "hey, sharpton you got one of ours so now you have to get 100 of yours."

all of a sudden 50 cent, luda, snoop dogg and russell simmons were the men that had to answer for their work. rap videos were being scrutinized. black people and their language toward each other were being debated. see what happens when people start censoring? al should have just accepted the apology and moved on. but no, now he is going to have to hurt a very important part of his constituency; well to do, hard working, motivated african americans in the entertainment industry. if he doesn't take steps to ban, censor or fire someone in hip hop, he will lose the credibility he has worked so hard to build 20 years after tawana brawley.

cable news says to viewers, "hey, we're not racists some of our best commentators are black."

one good thing that can be said of this imess incident is that it exposed all the news critics of their own hypocrisy. where were all of these black talking heads before? as soon as this incident blew up, you began to see the high number of highly qualified black journalists and pundits that were always there. they were on all the stations; cnn, fox news, msnbc. hell, even the animal channel had black talking heads on it last week. now a truly progressive step would be to have black, latino and other minority people on those stations when the topic isn't on race but "non- race" issues like the war in iraq, the troubling economy and other topics that don't need a black face attached to it for legitimacy.

one more thing before we finish:

it is the 60th anniversary of the day that my hero, the one and only jackie robinson broke baseball's color barrier. you wouldn't know it today, but people really used to believe that black people couldn't play sports. what is that tom brokaw says about that era being the greatest generation? whatever. i hope that god continues to bless that great man from cairo, georgia and his family. may we all have as much courage as he did in our struggles. if people had even an ounce of the courage that he displayed throughout his life they wouldn't need a press conference to illustrate their dignity, an al sharpton to be their spokesman or an apology from an old man for that doesn't know them.

this week's top ten

here's a top ten:

top ten things that are more offensive to me than don imus calling those girls from rutgers, "nappy headed hoes"

10. a naked team picture of the rutgers girls basketball
9. a picture of al sharpton without his hair done
8. listening to jesse jackson explain to his wife why
his illegitimate child should attend the next jackson
family function
7. bill o'reilly discussing moral virtues
6. nfl commissioners suspending players for a full year
because they feel like it
5. reading the editorial section of the new york post
4. listening to rutgers coach c.t. vivian talk about
3. president bush, john mccain and other republicans
attempting to rationalize the war and the surge in
2. censorship and hypocrisy

and the number one thing that is more offensive to me than don imus calling the girls from the rutgers basketball team, "nappy headed hoes" ...

1. frat boys that get caught sexually assaulting a single
mother and then claim that they are the victims

shout outs:

shouts go out to: the big onion, vonnie 260, the white shadow and her husband j trane, the baroness of the burbs, celeste and her husband, beta ray bill, the golden child and brian babylon

how about the responders to the last email:
tanisha randle, tanisha daniels, janelle, priest, the good people at the ( great website, especially if they hire me:) ) my cousin staci, my center john mars from the a.p. (throw it down, big man, throw it down) the teacher from new jerusalem zeegs

speaking of new jerus wasup to my main homie mr. cantu, can't forget tutu the great. the number one d.j. from the southeast. wasup to dus dus the original ohio player, relly rell, diesel don, baker, hylton, radio, byrd ( hello, friend) arisel, majurnee