Wednesday, April 18, 2007

this week's top ten

here's a top ten:

top ten things that are more offensive to me than don imus calling those girls from rutgers, "nappy headed hoes"

10. a naked team picture of the rutgers girls basketball
9. a picture of al sharpton without his hair done
8. listening to jesse jackson explain to his wife why
his illegitimate child should attend the next jackson
family function
7. bill o'reilly discussing moral virtues
6. nfl commissioners suspending players for a full year
because they feel like it
5. reading the editorial section of the new york post
4. listening to rutgers coach c.t. vivian talk about
3. president bush, john mccain and other republicans
attempting to rationalize the war and the surge in
2. censorship and hypocrisy

and the number one thing that is more offensive to me than don imus calling the girls from the rutgers basketball team, "nappy headed hoes" ...

1. frat boys that get caught sexually assaulting a single
mother and then claim that they are the victims

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